
Neon Vibes 1g Bath Salts

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $35.95.



Neon Vibes 1g Bath Salts

Buy Neon Vibes  Bath Salts Online
Neon Vibes 1g Bath Salts is a high quality, pure and potent bath salt legal highs variety in our store. Express Highs is your leading source of high-quality and best bath salts blends on the market. Our collection is ever growing – and we’re proud to add Neon Vibes 1g on our shelves! This bath salt will help you achieve optimal energy and improved happiness.

Based on expert sources, using bath salts can soften and leave skin smooth longer. It will also help de-clutter the skin from toxins and harmful elements. For the mind, it will help calm the senses and make you feel more alive, no matter what you’re going through in your life.

Before putting up any legal highs product on offer at Express Highs, our specialists and quality control experts try to test each of them to ensure of their high quality. Neon Vibes 1g is a proven effective product based on our tests. It does not contain any fillers, banned substances or harmful chemicals that will harm you. The product only contains the finest minerals that aid in relaxation and pampering your mind, body and soul.

Express Highs only sell top quality bath salt blends from the makers themselves. Neon Vibes 1g is one of those we’re very proud to offer you, our customers. Buy legal highs from us!

Notes: This product is NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Our store assumes NO responsibility for any misuse of the product. Any misuse resulting to accident, damage or injury is the sole responsibility of the user. This product is only intended for scientific, commercial or industrial uses or bath salt bathing. You should store any remaining portion on a high-positioned cabinet and out of children’s reach.

Buy legal highs. Order Neon Vibes 1g today!


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